Understanding College Student Risks and Avoidance

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As Emma packed her bags for her first semester at college, excitement filled the air. She’d always dreamed of attending a prestigious university, and the day was finally here. But Emma’s mom had one last conversation with her before she left, sharing some essential safety tips that would later prove crucial.

Leaving Valuables at Home

Emma was tempted to bring along the beautiful necklace her grandmother had given her, but remembering her mom’s advice, she left it behind. "Keep your valuables safe at home, honey," her mom had said. "A dorm isn’t the best place for expensive things." Emma stuck with her essentials: her computer for schoolwork and some sports equipment. For everything else, she decided that safety was more important than sentimentality.

That decision saved her from a sticky situation. During the first week, several students in her dorm had items stolen. One girl lost an expensive bracelet her parents had gifted her, while Emma, with nothing valuable left lying around, didn’t have to worry.

Creating a Dorm Inventory

Before leaving for school, Emma had followed her mom’s advice to create a "dorm inventory." She listed out every single item she packed, down to her calculator and mini-fridge, snapping photos as she went along. "Why bother?" she had thought at the time. But when a small fire broke out in the neighboring dorm the following month, Emma realized how useful it would be in case of an emergency. Luckily, her dorm was spared, but now she knew exactly what to do if disaster ever struck.

Engraving Electronics

Emma had also taken the extra step of engraving her laptop with her name and student ID number. It wasn’t the most glamorous thing to do, but she knew it was a practical move. A few weeks into the semester, one of her friends left their laptop unattended in the library. It vanished, just like that. Emma’s friend hadn’t engraved theirs, making recovery difficult. Emma, on the other hand, was glad she had a layer of security in place.

Always Locking Dorm Room Doors

College life was busier than Emma had imagined, with classes, clubs, and hanging out with new friends. She found herself rushing between activities, often tempted to leave her dorm room door unlocked during quick trips to the dining hall or a friend’s room. But she remembered her mom’s words: "Always lock your door, even if you’re just stepping out for a minute."

Sure enough, during a late-night study session, Emma’s roommate Katie left the door unlocked, thinking they’d be gone for only a few minutes. They returned to find Katie’s purse missing. From then on, the entire floor was more cautious about locking up, and Emma made sure to always have her keys with her.

Being Aware on Campus

Emma loved studying in the library, but she quickly noticed how easy it was to get comfortable and leave things lying around. One afternoon, she was so engrossed in her textbook that she nearly left her laptop and bag unattended while running to grab coffee. "Don’t leave your things," she reminded herself. After all, she'd heard about how common campus thefts were.

A friend wasn’t so lucky—her backpack, left unattended in the dining hall, was gone when she returned. Emma had learned that keeping her things with her at all times was a small habit that could save her from major headaches.

Investing in a Laptop Security Cable

Though Emma felt fairly secure on campus, she didn’t take any chances. She purchased a laptop security cable with a combination lock. It wasn’t something her friends thought to use, but Emma liked the idea of having her laptop secured even when she was in class or the library.

On one occasion, she returned to the library after a quick bathroom break, only to find a group of students hovering over a nearby table where someone’s laptop had mysteriously disappeared. Grateful that hers was safe and locked down, Emma realized how her simple habit of using the cable had paid off.

Fire Hazards on Campus

As the semester progressed, Emma noticed that dorm life came with plenty of risks. Most notably, she learned that campus fires weren’t uncommon. One night, a small cooking fire started in the dorm’s kitchen, thanks to a poorly used microwave. Fortunately, no one was hurt, but it was a wake-up call. Emma made a mental note to always be cautious with the appliances she used, avoiding hot plates and sticking to the dorm-approved microwave. She shared these concerns with her roommates, and together they agreed to be more vigilant about fire safety.

By following these simple but essential tips, Emma not only avoided potential hazards but also helped spread awareness among her new college friends. As her first semester drew to a close, she reflected on how those small choices—leaving valuables at home, engraving her electronics, locking her door—had helped her feel secure. It was just the beginning of her college journey, but thanks to her smart decisions, Emma knew she was ready for anything.


Heading off to college is exciting, but it’s important to stay smart about safety. By following tips like leaving valuables at home, creating an inventory, securing electronics, and staying aware of campus risks, students like Emma can enjoy a safe, stress-free college experience.